Saturday, March 28, 2020

Nothing Better To Do

Well, I guess it's time to dust off the old blog and start posting stuff again. Truth is, I'm getting bored. I do the same thing every day with very little variation in my routine. And now, right when I decide that I should change it up and maybe get out more, I can't because there is a pandemic on the loose and I'm being encouraged by authorities to "shelter in place" until such time as it is safe enough to venture forth. Which, judging from the response by the government and the way they are handling the whole Corona virus thing, could be the rest of 2020. And that, under any other circumstance, wouldn't bother me because like I said, it's a rare day that I leave my house. It's just funny to me now that I want to go someplace else other than here.

So, let me tell you what to expect to see from here on out.

1. I will probably revive Friday Felines, but I haven't been to I Can Has Cheezburger for awhile so I don't know if it will become a thing for me again.

2. I have eight grandchildren now, two of whom are under the age of four so it might be reasonable to expect to see stories and/or photos of the cuteness that is a toddler.

3. If our President (who I DID NOT vote for) does/says something that I find stomach-churning, expect to hear my opinion on whatever it is. I could barely tolerate him as a television "celebrity", so imagine how I feel about him being in the White House.

4. Randomness. You just never know what I'll do. But I'll always do it with humor, sarcasm and as much respect as the subject allows.

Off we go!

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